" Tour Guide of the Year !" 2011-2012
Posted: Aug 6, 2012 | 10:55 PM
by Jared Goldstein
My #1 client, Beyond Times Square, honored me tonight as "Tour Guide of the Year!"
I am happy and humbled.
BTSq works with forty guides, some with a great deal of experience, more than me, leaders in the field.
I have learned so much from my fellow guides: facts, stories, professionalism, and technique. The guides of Beyond Times Square are a generous bunch, kind, cooperative, and dedicated.
Thank you Eric Gordon and Robin Bass of Beyond Times Square for being such great clients!
Thank you fellow Tour Guides of Beyond Times Square.
Thank you for all of your hard work, thoughtfulness, and being a stand up guy. We are happy to have you as our Guide of the Year.
Thank you.
Eric Gordon"
CEO Beyond Times Square