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Jared the NYC Tour Guide Blog

November 12th in NYC History

Posted: Nov 12, 2012 | 8:39 PM

1815, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the pioneering American women's rights leader and social reformer, was born.

1870  Columbia fields the third college football team, losing to Rutgers 6-3.  Each side had 20 men!

1889  DeWitt Wallace, founder of Reader's Digest, is born,

1927...The Holland Tunnel opens – and for one day, the
city allows pedestrians to cross under the Hudson River by foot. Full
use by cars comes the following day.

1936:  Greenwich Village's Playwright Eugene O'Neill is awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

1943 Greenwich Village's Wallace Shawn, Actor, playwright celebrates his birthday.

1954Ellis Island closed after processing 12 million immigrants since opening in New York Harbor in 1892.

1958Megan Mullally, Actress ("Will and Grace") celebrates her birthday.

1969  Seymour Hersh breaks My Lai story,

1984  Madonna releases Like a Virgin, the follow-up to her debut album and the first to hit number one.

1997Ramzi Yousef was found guilty of masterminding the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.

Bill Clinton signed a sweeping measure knocking down Depression-era
barriers and allowing banks, investment firms and insurance companies to
sell each other's products.
repealing the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, breaking the barrier between commercial and investment banks.

2001An American Airlines flight crashed near New York's Kennedy airport, killing 265 people.


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