March 9th in NYC History: <BR> Happy Birthday, Barbie! <P> Battle of the Ironclad Ships!
Posted: Mar 8, 2013 | 9:17 PM
by Jared Goldstein
1862: The pride of Greenpoint in Brooklyn,...

the ironclad USS Monitor battled the ironclad CSS Virginia (the refurbished USS Merrimac) to a draw.
1902: Architect of some great New York buildings, such as Radio City Music Hall and the Museum of Modern Art, Edward Durrell Stone, born elsewhere.
1910: Samuel Barber, composer, born. He died in 1981.
1943: ABC News alum Charlie Gibson born.
1954: CBS' Edward R. Murrow criticized Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy's anti-Communism campaign on the news show "See It Now."
1959: Mattel's Barbie doll debuted at the American International Toy Fair in Madison Square's Toy District.

Two observations about the timing:
This is the day after International Women's Day.
Barbie is a Pisces. She can't decide whether or not to marry Ken. On the one hand, he is literally made for her... On the other hand, if she marries him, she can't date like she used to...

My fiancee' lives near Madison Square. I'm a Pisces who waited a long time to decide.

1971: Harlem's Duke Ellington inducted into the Songwriter's Hall of Fame in New York. He was one of its first composers.
1981: Three days after Walter Cronkite signed off (see March 6), Dan Rather debuted as "The CBS Evening News" anchorman.
1996: Oh, God! George Burns, the funny entertainer from the Lower East Side, died at 100.
1997: Brooklyn's Notorious B.I.G. Biggie Smalls shot in L.A.
2005: Dan Rather retired as CBS News anchorman.