February 27th in New York City History - Lincoln's Right Makes Might; Father of Broadcasting and the Father of modern Conservatism, a prolific writer, and Alicia Keys' triumphs.
Posted: Feb 26, 2013 | 8:30 PM
1860: Abraham Lincoln, "the Prairie Orator," addressed Cooper Union's Great Hall, packed, delivering the "Might Makes Right Speech."

It countered slavery and catapulted his stature to Republican candidate for President over local star, Senator and Governor Seward.

When we take my East Village tour we learn why I call Cooper Union the secular Holy of the Holies. Every time I am there I feel honored and awed, not just because of this great speech.
1891: David Sarnoff, CEO of NBC and RCA (now GE), pioneer of broadcasting radio and television, born in terrible poverty in Russia.
1913: Prolific writer, playwright, and screenwriter Irwin Shaw born in the Bronx.
1993: The World Trade Center closed as it assumed investigation for its huge truck bombing and recovery. Businesses scrambled to find alternate space. It will reopen months later after a $500,000,000 renovation.
2002: Alicia Keys won five Grammies for her debut album, "Songs in A Minor."
2008: Conservative avatar, intellectual, publisher, and writer William F. Buckley, Jr. died at 82.