Jared The NYC Tour Guide<sup>®</sup> | Custom walking tours of New York City

Jared the NYC Tour Guide Blog

Testimonial from Social Media about our Ellis Island tour

Posted: Nov 5, 2018 | 9:50 PM
by Jared Goldstein


Ellis Island tours are so meaningful.  

Acre for acre, Ellis Island is the most important place in American history, where 1/3 of us can trace at least one ancestor who passed through this immigration processing machine's 'golden doors' on the emigrants' way to becoming Americans, to build a nation.

This includes me, Jared the NYC Tour Guide!  

Thank you, Grandparents for taking the risk, making the sacrifices and the effort so that I can have a better life, much better than my second cousins who I never met, partly because most or all of them were exterminated during World War II.

My personal connection with Ellis Island is from a field trip that Mrs. Zaretsky or Zaretski organized, a hard hat tour of Ellis Island when it was a ruin in 1981.  

It was not a foregone conclusion that it would become a readily accessible museum.  Ten years later, thanks to the generosity of the children of the immigrants, like my parents, Ellis Island opened.  

Here is a rave for our  recent tour:

"B--- R------  recommends Jared the NYC Tour Guide.

My husband and I toured Ellis Island with Jared. He's a pleasure to be with and very informative. We look forward to taking another tour with him this spring!"

After our tour, we went on the behind-the-scenes hardhat tour of Ellis Island's haunting Hospital.  They are fundraising to open that safely to the public.  I plan to post pictures of this at http://facebook.com/JaredtheTourGuide



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