New York Magical Tour Moments are when, on neighborhood tours, people are conversant, welcoming and sharing hosts to my guests.
These moments most happen in Harlem, the Lower East Side, the World Trade Center, Greenwich Village, the East Village, and Brooklyn Heights.
If you have been on my Lower East Side tours, you may well have met Schmuel Gluck, the suit salesman of Orchard Street, #62 to be precise, International Men's Clothiers.
We walk by there and Shmuel schmoozes with us, then we are inside his deco era shop and he's fitting us into suits. My tour risks derailment!
On Monday, me and my guests emerge in the Orthodox Jewish Hasidic South Side of Williamsburg, and who is the first person I see? Schmuel!
He told us about his 36 grandchildren, and handed out business cards.