November 26th in New York's History - Street cars pull us, NYC pulled up from brink, Giants and LIU pull it off big time! Metropolitan Opera lights up. Casablanca plays it the first time.
Posted: Nov 26, 2012 | 9:29 PM
1832: America's first streetcar line starts construction.
The following summer horse drawn stagecoaches trudge up the route which eventually stretched from Prince St (today's SoHo; it was the first Ladies Mile Shopping District) up Bowery and Fourth Ave to tony Murray Hill.
Four decades later the lines will be elevated, and then under the streets.
The subway, not the nation's first, will open in 1904.
1908,?There were 100,000 horses in NYC creating enough manure to cover a city block 17 stories tall every day! NYC was the horse poop capitol of the USA. Good thing horses don't haz cheezeburga's.
The new invention, automobiles were eagerly adopted -- as clean transportation!
1893: The Metropolitan Opera House reopens at Broadway and 39th Street over a year after fire destroyed the one built nearly nine years previously. It reopened with electric lights. Previous lighting was extremely hot.
1942: "Casablanca," starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, has its world premiere at the Hollywood Theater in Manhattan.
1972: Football's Giants beat the Eagles 62-10 at home. It was their most points scored in a game.
1975: President Ford finally agrees to provide a $2 Billion Federal Bail-out to NYC, after initially rejecting it. The rejection prompted the famous NY Daily News headline: "Ford to City: Drop Dead!" The Bail-out averts NYC from bankruptcy. The Bail-out, which took a few years, enabled the City to start recovering, which took decades.

1997: LIU hoops beats Medgar Evers 179-62. The 117 point victory margin is a National College Athletics Association record. LIU star Charles Jones scored 53 points, a school record.
1989: MTV Unplugged premiers.
2008: New York's Sister City, Mumbai, is attacked by terrorists for two days.
The plot was a renewed version of New York City's foiled "Landmarks Plot." Al Quaeda frequently reuses terror plots, even improving on failures after years.
For example, the 9/11/01 attacks were an evolved version of the foiled 1994-95 "Project Bojinka," which were led by Ramsi Yousef, who led the 1993 WTC Bombing along with his Uncle Khalid Sheikh Mohamned. 9/11 was masterminded by Uncle Khalid because Yousef was imprisoned.
Since foiled attacks are hardly reported, the public does not aptly call the Mumbai attacks "India's Landmarks Plot." They are known as "India's 9/11." This is accurate only in that it was a deadly Al Qaeda attack on Indian soil.
"The Landmarks Plot" involved terrorists who joined or were joining the Waldorf-Astoria's
staff. They were going to start bombing and shooting up the hotel from inside, then bomb the heliports, and finally all bridges and tunnels.
Something similar played out in Mumbai. A hotel was attacked from within with explosives and shootings. Then the attack moved onto the railroad. Both attacks involved attacking Jewish Community Centers.
New Yorkers who lost family in the 2008 Mumbai attacks recently sued the Pakistani ISI.
Like the 9/11/01 attacks, the 2008 attacks on Mumbai were assisted by elements of the Pakistani ISI, their CIA, which was trained by the CIA.
In 1993, the NYPD and the FBI infiltrated a group of terrorists (one of whom lived on my block). In June of 1993, agents stormed the hideout while the terrorists were mixing explosives, foiling the imminent "Landmarks" attack.
Emad Salem, the informant who helped foil this plot, was foiled from preventing the 1993 WTC Bombing.
Small world between Mumbai and its sister city New York City.
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