September 13th in NYC History
Posted: Sep 13, 2012 | 11:52 PM
1609: Englishman Henry Hudson's 20 ft (7m) long Half Moon sails past Manahatta, resplendent with nature, fish jumping about the ship, and friendly natives. Sailing for the Dutch, he was seeking a short cut to China.
1899: New York City's first automobile fatality - a cab hits a wealthy man exiting from a steetcar at 74th St and Central Park West.
1949: The Ladies Pro Golf Association founded in NYC.
1970: The First New York Marathon ran with 126 competitors doing 4 laps around Central Park. Gary Muhrcke wins. Nowadays the Marathon has over 40,000 competitors across the 5 boroughs and it runs the first Sunday in November. (Ask me about my personal connections and memories of the NYC Marathon in the 1970s, 80s, and 90s.)