May 1st in NYC History
Posted: May 1, 2013 | 12:07 AM
1915: The British passenger ship Lusitania departed for England from Manhattan Pier 54, which was supposed to welcome the Titanic in 1912.
The Lusitania's departure was during the beginnings of World War I. Days later, the ship will be sunk by a German torpedo, killing hundreds.
Highline tours, High Line walking tours, The High-Line walking tours, MSO tour.
1931: Empire State Building construction was completed.
Midtown tours, Empire State Building tours, NYC architecture tours.

1941: Orson Welles film "Citizen Kane"

premiered in New York.

We see the Hearst Tower and midtown tours, Central Park tours. We see the Battleship Maine Memorial on Central Park tours, Columbus Circle tour, midtown walking tour.