Jared The NYC Tour Guide<sup>®</sup> | Custom walking tours of New York City

Jared the NYC Tour Guide Blog

Posted: Aug 12, 2018 | 10:01 PM
by Jared Goldstein

The Lovin' Spoonful in Greenwich Village

Some source material for Greenwich Village Rock Tours, and my John Lennon NYC Tour.

John Lennon and Yoko's first apartment was sublet from Joe Butler.  Ironically, John and Yoko moved to the Dakota to be safer.

Read the NY Times article (with subscription): Summer in the City: Lovin Spoonful Soundtrack for City Summer

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Posted: Aug 10, 2018 | 9:39 AM
by Jared Goldstein

An email about a sights of Manhattan tour

Trinity Church Monument

Thank you vet much for a wonderful day. To coin a phase...It was HUGE!
-- A curious and fun loving family.

What a day we had:

  • Times Sq
  • SoHo for architecture
  • Food in Little Italy and Chinatown and some obscure spots
  • 5 Points
  • Court Houses
  • African Burial Ground
  • Statue of Liberty
  • War memorials
  • Castle Clinton
  • American Indian Museum
  • Fraunces Tavern
  • Bowling Green
  • Stone St
  • Mill Lane
  • Wall Street
  • Federal Hall
  • New York Stock Exchange
  • Greenwich Village
  • Stonewall Inn
  • Rock heritage
  • Coffee!


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Posted: Jul 28, 2018 | 2:15 PM
by Jared Goldstein

The best Tour Guide in NYC?!

I'm proud to say, two recent customers have contacted me after doing a web search for "the best Tour Guide in New York" and "NYC's best Tour Guides!"

The Web CAN'T be wrong.  

Thank you World Wide Web!

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Posted: Jul 9, 2018 | 8:02 PM
by Jared Goldstein

Holden Caufield's New York City Tour - Catcher in the Rye

Catcher in the Rye book Cover showing New York City in the background on the cover

I launched a Catcher in the Rye NYC Tour about Holden Caufield's anti-hero odyssey in his Manhattan.  

We had a great time!   We saw great things, experienced great literature, and we also experienced that a city that was timeless for the narrator is a city of constant, dramatic change, just as Holden was learning that life is.

Had we had more than four hours by foot, we could have experienced the inside of the Museum of Natural History and caught the Museum of the City of New York's special exhibit of New York in the 1940s photography by Stanley Kubrick, who was around Caufield's age in his era when the pictures were taken.  This exhibit will be up through 28th October 2018.

This is a good tour to hire a Driver for, since Holden was in town for three days on his adventures.  Even he took cabs.

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Posted: Jul 2, 2018 | 2:53 PM
by Jared Goldstein

Certified by the Guides Association of NYC

I am certified by the Guides Association of NYC!   Their first class.  Ten weeks.

Thank you, fellow GANYC members for volunteering and putting this course together and leading it.

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Posted: May 3, 2018 | 12:33 AM
by Jared Goldstein

NYC Magical Tour Moments, starring Shmuel!


New York Magical Tour Moments are when, on neighborhood tours, people are conversant, welcoming and sharing hosts to my guests.

These moments most happen in Harlem, the Lower East Side, the World Trade Center, Greenwich Village, the East Village, and Brooklyn Heights.

If you have been on my Lower East Side tours, you may well have met Schmuel Gluck, the suit salesman of Orchard Street, #62 to be precise, International Men's Clothiers.

We walk by there and Shmuel schmoozes with us, then we are inside his deco era shop and he's fitting us into suits.  My tour risks derailment!

On Monday, me and my guests emerge in the Orthodox Jewish Hasidic South Side of Williamsburg, and who is the first person I see?  Schmuel!  

He told us about his 36 grandchildren, and handed out business cards.

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Posted: Mar 20, 2018 | 5:42 PM
by Jared Goldstein

Evaluation of my American Museum of Natural History tour for family


Here are the comments:

Great!  Saw everything we wanted.  Very knowledgeable.  So fun, kids loved it.

We customized the tour to make sure we saw the dinosaur mummy, lots of other dinosaurs, sea life. I showed them something special to me, a fossil that I found when I was seven that I sent to the Museum of Natural History.

I worked in sights from the movie, Night at the Museum, such as Dum Dum, the Easter Island head; Dexter, the Capuchin Monkey; the Ostrich. 

I also got us special access into the hands on lab for kids.

Currently, I'm developing a tour about the links between the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Central Park.

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Posted: Feb 1, 2018 | 11:40 PM
by Jared Goldstein

American Heart Association Heart Saver Certified through 2019

This week I was certified for First Aid, CPR and AED for Adults and Children.
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Posted: Feb 1, 2018 | 11:22 PM
by Jared Goldstein

Message from a fellow NYC Tour Guide

A colleague wrote:

It is a delight to benefit from your expertise as a [NYC] tour guide.  You are such a tribute to our profession.

Reviews like this mean so much to me.

Thank you!  I admire you as well, a respected colleague and member of the industry.

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Posted: Jan 23, 2018 | 7:34 PM
by Jared Goldstein

From a Tour Operator about leading the groups' NYC tours

From an adult and student group tour operator who sends groups to New York City, based in the West, serving the Plains states, too:

Dear Jared,

Thank you so much for guiding our groups this year.  We truly appreciate you and your skills.  You do an amazing job.


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